Channel: Jade Godbolt
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: lovebut godabusethe godboltsjade kendlemarried couplegodboltthe godbolt lifehow to do christian marriagethe godbolt life podcastmarriagelipstickncurlscouples podcast
Description: It’s testimony time. A testimony is a public profession of an experience. The Godbolts complete season 1 with their testimonies of abuse and how God would use those experiences for good. Revelations 12:11 and Genesis 50:20. This entire season has touched on getting naked within your marriage. Mark & Jade continue to share their process and the impact that it continues to make in their lives and the lives of others. If you experienced or want to share helpful resources for abuse: - 800.656.HOPE(4673) Youtube Full Episode Link: Spreaker Full Episode Link: STAY CONNECTED WITH THE GODBOLTS: ▶ w e b s i t e: THEGODBOLTLIFE.COM ▶ @TheGodboltLife on Twitter ▶ @TheGodboltLife on Instagram ▶ @JadeGodbolt on Instagram ▶ @MarkzGodbolt on Instagram ▶ @TheGodboltLife on Facebook ▶ @JadeGodbolt on TikTok B U S I N E S S INQUIRY: Please feel free to contact my management at for opportunities for us to work together :)